Fix Family Courts Blog Posts

Our team specializes in constitutional law principles as they apply in family law, working across multiple states to develop a deep understanding of how family law is implemented in different jurisdictions. We bring expertise in addressing challenges to constitutional rights in family law cases and provide comprehensive counter-arguments. With a focus on protecting parental rights and advocating for clients, we stay updated on legal trends and judicial opinions, offering innovative solutions to courts struggling with the complexities of parental demands for justice. Whether it's navigating different procedural rules, legal cultures, or state-specific approaches to family law, our experienced team collaborates with pro se parents needing to communicate parental rights principles to their attorneys, and with attorneys to help provide effective representation from start to finish, increasing the liklihood of more favorable outcomes in state and federal trial cases and appeals.

5 Ways a GAL Makes You Broke in Divorce?

DANGER! The GAL is a prosecutor for the judge, NOT your friend. Guardian Ad Litem adds costs and hardships but does nothing to protect your child's rights.

Divorce Courts Act in Their Own Interests

Multiple Federal Appellate Courts have found that children have a right to familial association with their parents and that these rights are fundamental rights.

Dadication Video shows Father Involvement is #1 way to

Dadication is a look at some reasons for father absence, the challenges fathers face when trying to get back into their child’s life after a hardship, and the l

Child-Support Contempt: Ability-to-Pay Protection

Yet another sad post and yet another father in jail for failure to pay unjust child support that he could not afford and being unjustly labeled a deadbeat by ev


Shocking video of Caleb Leverett Parker. Is this parental alienation? Was Parker manipulated by his father? Where is Parker now 2021?

What’s the biggest mistake that parents make in their c

The path wasn’t there for me…                                    

How to work with your sample motions

In this video, Ron and Sherry discuss two of the sample motions and how they can be used to improve outcomes in your case.

Burden of Proof is Powerful, Gun Rights

when the right in question is a fundamental right, your judge cannot presume the action to be constitutional but must prove with real evidence that the action i

Compelled Marriage: Lies Divorce Courts Tell

In Compelled marriage divorce court Judge forces parents to remain married and violates their First Amendment right to divorce.

Texas versus Roe v Wade

Listen closely. This is the most exciting news since Casey. The Texas fetal heartbeat law, SB8, will change how parental righton for your parental rights too!

How to Find Safe and Affordable Childcare: 5 Helpful Ti

Childcare Crisis. A report by NPR found that average American parents are “sweating and hustling” to pay for the childcare they rely on.

How and Why Family Court Rewards Narcissists and Create

Narcissists are hard for good people to understand. The issue is that you still believed that good exists in your ex, and that this will prevail. You didn’t wan

Child Support Slavery

Abortion rights activists show us the way to end child support slavery by recognizing that compelling a person to work for the benefit of another violates the 1

Parental Rights took a Major hit Today

Parental rights took a major hit today, and both liberals and conservatives are to blame because both sides blatantly hate individual freedom for anyone but the

Were you convinced that if you just did what the attorn

Did your own attorney convince you to just go along with them to get along? Just agree to see a psychologist or therapist? And, that after you prove to the ther

Your Get Out of Jail Free Card! Free Sample Pleading Wr

Many of you may have already heard about the poor mother, Katina Tengesdal of Fargo North Dakota, who has been jailed for 8 days because she refuses to give up

Why aren't More Parents Fighting Back: Part 2

Why Aren't More Parents Fighting Back in child custody courts?

Universities Teaching Misandry Lead to Gender Bias in C

It was brought to my attention this morning by Rk Hendrick, author and men’s rights activist,[i] that a university in Oregon is teaching women to hate men and c

Will the Constitution help Kelly Rutherford bring her c

I think not! Kelly Rutherford was on CBS last night because she claims she lost a custody battle in the family law trial courts to the father who now lives in F

Patrick Glynn 400 mile Walk for Children Lost in Divorc

Yesterday, Patrick Glynn, 48, of Los Angeles began his 400-mile walk from Boston Massachusetts to Washington D.C. to raise awareness to the issue that family co

Letter to House and Senate Representatives on Equal Par

Finally we have a form letter that you can use in any state to inform your state representatives, house and senators, that you are no longer going to tolerate t


Get our Beginner's Guide to Family Law Book

This book gives you simple tools to start defending yourself today. Bad Attorneys hate this book because they don't do it this way because if they did, they would lose money.

Beginner's Guide to Family Law

A Simplified Path to Parental Rights

For a loving parent, a child custody suit can be a time of terror. The most important thing in your life is at stake and it doesn't take long to figure out that the system is rigged against you. This book provides simple straight forward and easy to understand ways to help ensure that your rights get protected. This is the starter guide for you to protect your rights.
