law gavel from the 420times dot com 20131004The path wasn’t there for me…

                                                                       so I followed who I thought were the experts…

When I was going through the terror of divorce, I wish there had been someone that would have shared with me that I had parental rights, what that meant, and how they apply in divorce and modification. It was shocking really the way the attorneys and judges behaved. And shocking the poor advice and bad advice and information that they gave. The information that they hid and chose to ignore. The dark alleys they led me down…

When I thought the attorney and judge were there to protect me from my ex’s attacks on my rights and time to my children, I approached this all wrong and was taken advantage of. The empty streets they left me on…

When I lived in a fantasy land and thought that good people prevail in family court and that there was nothing to fear, I was helped to reality when I was forced to stand there and watch them help the ex attack my rights and my time with my children.

The attorneys and judge acted like they owned my children and could do what they pleased. They ignored my cries as they lorded over me…

I taught them all otherwise and am excited about those that are joining me in a course that I’ve developed to help empower you too!

I’m really excited to be able to bring this together for all of you! We get started tomorrow and I welcome all those that have enrolled.

Tomorrow is the beginning of your journey back to hope and empowerment and the #1 most powerful path to regaining your parental authority. You have to start somewhere if you want freedom from the power that has taken over so many people’s lives for so many generations in divorce.

Once you see it, it cannot sneak up on you anymore.

If you want to check the class out too, our first week of 8 weeks of classes of enlightenment and powerful tools and material begins tomorrow here: (The cost of the class goes up after tomorrow’s class begins. We are keeping the class small. And it’s really inexpensive, only $20 a class, the total cost of the class $160 — less than most people pay for one hour to an attorney or an expert! I know I paid way more than this just for one law book! And I had no one to help me understand how this affected or applied to my parental rights.)

The path wasn’t there for me, so I created one…I’m the expert in my life and my children’s lives not the family courts! I hope you’ll join me tomorrow and find your voice and path to success too! (Remember I am not saying that it is guaranteed that you will get the results that I did or someone else did. I’m providing you with somewhere to go for information that no one else seems to want you to know that helped me see the path that was right for me, that I had a right to know and you have a right to know, that could change the course of things for you. You have the right to be able to decide for yourself and we are here providing you with tools and information to help you do that. I am not an attorney and am not practicing law.)