Fix Family Courts Blog Posts

Our team specializes in constitutional law principles as they apply in family law, working across multiple states to develop a deep understanding of how family law is implemented in different jurisdictions. We bring expertise in addressing challenges to constitutional rights in family law cases and provide comprehensive counter-arguments. With a focus on protecting parental rights and advocating for clients, we stay updated on legal trends and judicial opinions, offering innovative solutions to courts struggling with the complexities of parental demands for justice. Whether it's navigating different procedural rules, legal cultures, or state-specific approaches to family law, our experienced team collaborates with pro se parents needing to communicate parental rights principles to their attorneys, and with attorneys to help provide effective representation from start to finish, increasing the liklihood of more favorable outcomes in state and federal trial cases and appeals.

Dallas Texas Judge OverRules Jury and Stops 7-year-old

Judge Cooks ruled exactly as she should and how Sherry Palmer stated in a live FaceBook video where Sherry Palmer stated that she hoped that the judge was liste

Parental Alienation Business Model and the Pain of Stay

Today I’m going to share with you some painful reminders as well as the four stages of Parental Alienation. You’re a parent and you go to pick up your child for

Just Say NO – Boundaries, Power, Expectations, an

Managing Your Attorney – Boundaries, Expectations, Power, and Legal Abuse There is a time and a place for following authority and that is when authority s

Is Staying in an Abusive Relationship Causing Your Chil

Are you living in abuse and don’t have the motivation to get out, but you know you should? Have you wondered why your children are not standing up to the bullie

Montana Supreme Court Agrees child Support Law Unconsti

Montana Supreme Court ruled Thursday that a law passed in 1997 was a violation of separation of powers and allowed Judge Buyske’s ruling to stand. Judge B

Does Best Interest have a Definition?

When a family law judge limits your rights by making a best interest determination, the Court’s best interest determination is an unconstitutional form of viewp

Bring Drake Home Mandamus is Denied

Guess what, not even $78,000.00 could save baby Drake. The Texas appellate court has denied the mandamus and refused to Bring Drake Home.

Texas Has Had 10 Proposed Equal Parenting Bills Over 12

Texas has Killed 7 Equal Parenting Bills Over the Last Twelve Years! Two of Texas’ current equal parenting bills have made it further than it’s pred

Are the Bresnens and the Texas Family Law Foundation Do

Is the Texas BAR about to be neutered? The recent lawsuit filed in March against the BAR association, filed by three attorneys with Empower Texans, would dry up

When to Change Attorneys

You hire an attorney and think you are protected. You went into the hearing thinking the attorney was going to convince the judge that there was no reason you c

Texas Equal Parenting Bills get a Hearing

Texas Legislators Feeling the Pressure Propose Equal Parental Rights Bills along with a Sanction Bill Aimed at Father’s Rights Groups Texas has several bi

How Much Is Your Child Worth to Your State? Attorney Ge

The state of Texas Office of the Attorney General collected 4.37 billion dollars in child support last year, according to Joel Rogers is the associate deputy di

Texas Attorney General Paxton Recognizes Parental Right

Texas Attorney General Paxton Recognizes Parental Rights are Protected by Strict Scrutiny in New Attorney General Response Opinion, KP-0241 Parents have been ta

Texas has an Equal Parenting Proposed Bill HB 2157

The first equal parenting bill of the Texas 86th legislative session just made it onto the books. Rep. Mayes Middleton, a newly elected Texas State Representati

Kate Hudson’s Boyfriend has NO Custody Rights to

Mothers have automatic custody of a newborn child born out of wedlock. A father however must fight for rights to their baby. The mother continues to have custod

Parents who Ignore their Rights, Lose their Children

EXTREME JUDICIAL FAILURE: MARYLAND – Appellate Court Wrong about Parental Rights When it comes to family law, state court judges seem to simply lose their

Free Attorney to Ask Your Family Law Questions

Parents often get served with ex parte emergency orders and have no time or money to get an attorney on time for the hearing. I came across this 800 number wher

Judges Accused of Being Part of a Pay-to-Play Scheme th

Elections Create a Political Judiciary Judicial Elections have Become Another Playground for Big Spenders. Attorney Larry DeMarco in Delaware County PA is runni

Best interest is Destructive to Your Child’s Ment

A parent lacking some parenting skills does not qualify for the state to interfere with their parenting rights. After 40 years of practice, including serving as

Every Time I Said Good Bye – How the BAR Keeps Yo

I Didn’t know how long it would be before I would see my children again each time I had to say good bye to them at the airport to send them back to their father

You Invited the Courts Into Your Life is What They Say

Before you believe that “You Invited the Courts Into Your Life” in your child custody battle, listen to Ron B Palmer’s 4th episode of UPLa. Th


Get our Beginner's Guide to Family Law Book

This book gives you simple tools to start defending yourself today. Bad Attorneys hate this book because they don't do it this way because if they did, they would lose money.

Beginner's Guide to Family Law

A Simplified Path to Parental Rights

For a loving parent, a child custody suit can be a time of terror. The most important thing in your life is at stake and it doesn't take long to figure out that the system is rigged against you. This book provides simple straight forward and easy to understand ways to help ensure that your rights get protected. This is the starter guide for you to protect your rights.
