Fix Family Courts Blog Posts

Our team specializes in constitutional law principles as they apply in family law, working across multiple states to develop a deep understanding of how family law is implemented in different jurisdictions. We bring expertise in addressing challenges to constitutional rights in family law cases and provide comprehensive counter-arguments. With a focus on protecting parental rights and advocating for clients, we stay updated on legal trends and judicial opinions, offering innovative solutions to courts struggling with the complexities of parental demands for justice. Whether it's navigating different procedural rules, legal cultures, or state-specific approaches to family law, our experienced team collaborates with pro se parents needing to communicate parental rights principles to their attorneys, and with attorneys to help provide effective representation from start to finish, increasing the liklihood of more favorable outcomes in state and federal trial cases and appeals.

Benefits for Members with Fix Family Courts

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the process, or just starting and don’t even know where to begin, we have an affordable program for you. Maybe you&

How Can You Access Your Member Benefits?

Periodically, you need to discuss a topic and have a question that you just cannot wait for the answer on. Or you have watched videos on it and you are still ne

Ohio Court passes Equal Parenting as the Standard Paren

Finally a court that is going to default to an EQUAL Standard Parenting Order when the parents cannot agree! And NO primary residential parent! Each parent is p

How do I Enforce my Child Custody Order Criminally?

You show up at the other parent’s house to pick up your child for the weekend and nobody is there. What do you do? You call the police and tell them you c

Caselaw Discussion – What the Attorneys are not T

Live broadcast today with Ron and Sherry Palmer, 3 p,m. cst time. Today, we are discussing caselaw, specifically, Cook v. Cook from Maryland. This is a 2017 cas

SCOTUS Year End Report

Every year the Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court (SCOTUS) issues a year end report with stats on the federal courts. Did you know that the federa

New Way to Divorce — Learn What Attorneys DonR

Divorce is scary business, especially when there is a child involved. Parents are hiring attorneys with the belief that the attorney is going to protect them. Y

Before You Judge . . .

Going in to the new year, I encourage people to think before judging the parents who do not have equal custody with their child. Before you judge them you need


Best interest of the child is an invidious and venerable phrase. It is one of the best marketing phrases ever invented. This phrase allows a judge in a family c

False Claims of Sexual Abuse Live On Even After Jury Ac

I just wanted you to see the damage that false claims of sexual abuse cause, even after the person is exonerated. The charges were dropped against this pediatri

Blaming Mom – Single Parent Homes

I’ve been thinking about this for a while, mom blame. Partly because I’m a mother and the other because of the area that I work in, family law reform and educat

Top Five Steps to Plan Parenthood after Divorce and Sin

Tools for Creating Parenting Plan Calendars and Motions for Child Custody Suits. Doing these things can reduce litigation and result in a parenting plan that yo

Illinois Proposed Equal Parenting Bill 4113

All over the U.S. fathers and mothers have come together to push equal parenting bills in an effort to get the courts out of their lives and to stop the courts

Attorneys Cannot Protect Parental Rights

Attorney Admits the Family Law Process Does not Allow Them to Protect Parental Rights Attorney admits that they are not allowed to help parents protect their ri

PROP 4 in Texas involves the AG in your child custody c

Proposition 4 proposes a constitutional amendment to require that a court notify the Attorney General (AG) when a statute’s constitutionality is being challenge


Recently we had an interesting discussion with a very notable state court justice regarding family law. He introduced us to a method of achieving equal custody

Hassellhoff Wants his Ex to Get a Job so He Can Stop Pa

David Hassellhoff has paid over 2.5 million in alimony. He has paid since 2006. Recently he filed to have the spousal maintenance eliminated stating that his ex

Common Shared Parenting Myths – Part One of a Two

Myth: “Kids get bounced back and forth between two homes more in shared parenting than in a primary custodial arrangement, and it’s not stable.̶

Making Parental Alienation a Criminal Offense

DEFINING PARENTAL ALIENATION Many organizations would like parental alienation to be considered child abuse. But before that can happen there needs to be a disc

Guardian ad Litems can Cost you Your Child Custody Case

A GAL is not your friend. And if someone has told you that they helped them in their case, remember this, a GAL can go either way, there are no guarantees that

Colorado Court Self-Help Website Promotes Biased Mother

When a group is clearly not neutral, should your court be providing them as a resource? Should the Colorado Judicial government website list groups who are


Get our Beginner's Guide to Family Law Book

This book gives you simple tools to start defending yourself today. Bad Attorneys hate this book because they don't do it this way because if they did, they would lose money.

Beginner's Guide to Family Law

A Simplified Path to Parental Rights

For a loving parent, a child custody suit can be a time of terror. The most important thing in your life is at stake and it doesn't take long to figure out that the system is rigged against you. This book provides simple straight forward and easy to understand ways to help ensure that your rights get protected. This is the starter guide for you to protect your rights.
