Fix Family Courts Blog Posts

Our team specializes in constitutional law principles as they apply in family law, working across multiple states to develop a deep understanding of how family law is implemented in different jurisdictions. We bring expertise in addressing challenges to constitutional rights in family law cases and provide comprehensive counter-arguments. With a focus on protecting parental rights and advocating for clients, we stay updated on legal trends and judicial opinions, offering innovative solutions to courts struggling with the complexities of parental demands for justice. Whether it's navigating different procedural rules, legal cultures, or state-specific approaches to family law, our experienced team collaborates with pro se parents needing to communicate parental rights principles to their attorneys, and with attorneys to help provide effective representation from start to finish, increasing the liklihood of more favorable outcomes in state and federal trial cases and appeals.

Parental Alienation Education Pleas Made to Board in Ca

Parental alienation is not junk science. Watch as Dr. Berglas testifies to the California Board of Behavioral Sciences to urge...

Removing Immunity from Guardian ad Litems

College funds are being stripped from children to pay the family courts. Courts are appointing Guardian ad Litems and AMCs in Connecticut who had unlimited auth

State Bar lobbyists Oppose 50/50 Bill in Texas –

TFLF (Texas Family Law Foundation) continues to make arguments against equal parenting bills in Texas. This year it’s HB 453 and last year it was HB 2363,

Wyoming Parental Rights Bill Passes Both House and Sena

This Bill, HB0153, sponsored by House Representative Mark Jennings, is just waiting for the President of the Senate and then the Governor to sign. Once that is

Mom Gets Texas D.A. to Enforce Penal Code for Child Cus

Parent withholding your child? Are you being alienated? This mother finally got a Texas District Attorney’s office to enforce the penal code regarding chi

Please Read My Letter – A Parent’s Plea to

I was very moved today to write about the pathology of the Family Court to Representative Urban of Stonington, CT after hearing her speak on NPR’s “

Texas State Bar Lobbying Arm Caught Misleading Legislat

The Texas Family Law Foundation (TFLF), a lobbying arm of the Texas State Bar, made a recent attack on parental rights bill, HB 453 in Texas; a Bill that puts a

Attorney General Indoctrinating High School Students In

Did you know that as soon as your son signs the Attorney General’s paternity acknowledgment form he subjects himself to being jailed for a felony. Attorne

Texas Legislative Equal Parenting Packet

You can get this packet for free from The National Family Law Policy Center here. Take with you when you are discussing why and how equal parenting protects chi

A sad day in Connecticut

Virtually all of the parental rights bills that were submitted to the Judiciary Committee for the 2017 legislative session in Connecticut have died in committee

ABA Says Child Support Program exists because of Deadbe

The Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) says that Child Support is “good” for children and their most successful program to date. And one of the writers

Prove to Me Why You Should Get 50/50…

Are the days of having to prove why you deserve equal custody of your child coming to an end? Looking through the history of the child custody laws in the state

Should a Court Protect a Child from a Not so Great Pare

Virtual Round Table is a new podcast with Stephen Krasner, guest blogger for Huffington Post, and Zena Crenshaw-Logal, J.D. Zena, around time marker 8:30 asks S

Status Quo in Family Code Statutes are Going to Have to

This is a continuation of the last blog I wrote yesterday on how the Standard Possession order statutes managed to turn into minimum possession orders and weave

Was the Standard Possession Order ever Intended to be S

According to Appellate Judge Puryear, the legislators never intended for the Standard Possession Order in Texas to be the standard default possession order. Jud

Appellate Judge in Texas Believes that Clear and Convin

Judge Puryear, a Texas appellate court judge, believes that “preponderance of the evidence” standard is too low for determining infringement of the

Appellate Judge Believes Fit Parents Are Entitled to Eq

According to Appellate Judge Puryear, in a concurring opinion in 2005 in Texas, the trial court judges have been applying the wrong standards and getting the in

Best Interest of the Child Senate Bill Fact Sheet

The National Family Law Policy Center evaluated and published their review of the newest Texas Senate Bill 816 sponsored by Senator Campbell affecting the Best

Civil Rights Attorney Wins Big Again Against CPS

Tammi Stefano of The National Safe Child show interviews California civil rights Attorney Shawn McMillan who talks about how even he was at risk of having his c

APA Says Joint Custody is Healthier for Children…

Right now most state laws do not require a judge to order equal custody. That makes state laws contrary to the best interest of the child. The most recent study

Equal Parenting Bill HB 453 in Texas has a Companion Bi

In most states equal parenting bills are not addressing the problems that best interest leaves in place when it comes to a judge using best interest to get out


Get our Beginner's Guide to Family Law Book

This book gives you simple tools to start defending yourself today. Bad Attorneys hate this book because they don't do it this way because if they did, they would lose money.

Beginner's Guide to Family Law

A Simplified Path to Parental Rights

For a loving parent, a child custody suit can be a time of terror. The most important thing in your life is at stake and it doesn't take long to figure out that the system is rigged against you. This book provides simple straight forward and easy to understand ways to help ensure that your rights get protected. This is the starter guide for you to protect your rights.
