Einstein Solving Problems


I stood there staring at the judge in disbelief…He was just sitting up there acting like I wasn’t there, like I didn’t matter, like there was nothing wrong with what he has done to me and my children. And worse, he had the gall to treat me like a piece of trash and blame me!!! And now he has put me in a position where no matter what I do I look bad, feel bad, or I’m just seen as plain bad! And every time I try to change things I just lose more and get more beat up. They’ve made me afraid to do anything, try anything, to breathe or even move.

I kept wondering what it was going to take to be heard, wondering why nothing I did seemed to matter, wondering what I could have possibly done to deserve this…wondering how I could have prevented this…wondering why my attorney let this happen…

I didn’t feel heard…

I couldn’t get the results I wanted…

and was constantly being shut out and shut down by the courts…

and now I’m broke too…

If this was you and you still want to try and figure things out…I welcome you to join us in this class…I’M TIRED OF NOT KNOWING HOW TO FIGHT BACK. Click this link and find out what this class has to offer.

What they did to you and your children, to me and mine, and continue to do to others is not acceptable! We were all told at some point that if we just played along…Yeah, well after that failed, I was determined to get to the bottom of this problem and prevent others from suffering the same treatment of being forced into parenting styles of the attorneys, experts, or the judge’s choice, feeling of helplessness and hopelessness, confusion, and disbelief. This has become all too common filling the courtrooms and the halls, filling Facebook pages, emails, journalist pages, blog sites, newspaper stories, an other forms of media, etc., with no end in sight.

So, I created this course to help you learn how to be more effective and to make it difficult for unconstitutional behaviors to continue to survive. Click here to join me in the first ever class of its kind: I want to be more effective Click here and take action today! Class starts Tuesday, March 4, 2014.



When it comes to something as important as your child, you cannot afford to be ineffective or to feel paralyzed…GRAB YOUR SEAT FOR THE CLASS HERE AND LEARN THE TOP METHODS USED TO GET BETTER RESULTS: I WANT TO BE HEARD (I created this class because you cannot afford to not know.)

How much have you spent on hours of experts, on attorneys, and still to get nowhere except more in debt, more frustrated, and lose more precious time?

At this special rate, this class costs less than the cost of one hour with most attorneys. You get 8 sessions with bonus content throughout the course. If you just want to try one class at a time, send me an e-mail to fixfamilycourts@gmail.com and ask me to send you a bill for each class individually. Once you pay the first class the rate is locked in for you for the rest of the 7 classes. You will receive an e-mail with an invoice prior to each week’s class if you are paying per class and will be added to each class after you have paid for the class in advance. (FYI- Refunds can be given before the first class begins but not after the first class begins. If you attend, no refund. We don’t expect that anyone is going to be unhappy with being given the information that empowers them throughout this process.)

We are going to poll the class and make sure that the statutes that we are reviewing and the material that we are teaching is relevant and of interest to those that have enrolled. For this reason we have limited the space for the interactive sessions so that you can get the most out of these 8 weeks.

What do you have to lose if nothing else has worked for you?

What might you gain…

This class teaches you how to be more effective.

This class prepares you for the challenge of communicating what you want to your attorney and to the court. 
Learn more than just theory…real-world application and review.
Learn how to create your BLUEPRINT and the beginning of how to write argument and reason through it.
Bonus: There will be bonus sessions with periodic live forums. These will be announced throughout the eight-week course. Some of these bonus sessions will also be recorded bonus forums that will include additional review of select state statutes, parts of state constitutions, and other material.  
LIVE attendance not required.
*NOT a law class and the instructors are not attorneys, WE ARE NOT practicing law, not giving legal advice, and not responsible for your results. There are no guarantee of results.
**The price of this course is at an introductory rate and can increase [Price is subject to change without notice.]